My dear friends,
On the lines of its primary aims and objectives for providing wholesome support to educational and career guidance to the students community, we, the Kerala Muslim Welfare Association, Delhi, have revamped our Blog viz., Now onwards information on all avenues of education and career improvement possibilities shall be duly displayed in the blog from time to time. Some of the latest news on this field are already available on the blog. In order to strengthen this process and make the Association’s blog synonymous to
an Educational and Career Guidance Hub for everybody to refer to, the wholehearted cooperation and support is required from all of you.
So, I, as the President of the Kerala Muslim Welfare Association would like to r
equest you all to send the specific information on educational avenues and career opportunities you come across in any of the newspapers/publications to the following email address., or
You are also welcome to send the scanned copy of the material along with the name and date of the publication in order to ensure authenticity and back reference. Our team will scrutinize the document and publish in the blog for the benefit of everybody.
Hope with the concerted efforts of all of you we shall be able to provide maximum information to all the aspiring students and youth to fulfill their educational and career dreams. You are also requested to kindly visit our blog regularly and also to follow it.
With warm regards,
K.K. Basheer,
President, KMWA