It has always been an endeavor of the Kerala Muslim Welfare Association to promote and encourage modern educational amenities. In this direction, the Association would like to felicitate meritorious students passed out of Class 10th & 12th during the year 2011. Accordingly, the applications are invited from the parents of all such students who have secured more than 80% marks in their examinations of 10th & 12th standards and are members of Kerala Muslim Welfare Association. The top three students among the applicants of both categories will be selected for awarding. The selected candidates will be felicitated and awards thereon distributed in a public function soon to be arranged by the Association. All the parents therefore, requested to fill in the following proforma along with the copy of the mark sheet obtained from the School /concerned Board of Examinations as the case may be, and send it by post so as to reach it to the Secretary, KMWA latest by 20th July 2011 in the following address:
Mr. Mansoor Kattanam,
Secretary, KMWA,
K-38, Flat No. 11, 2nd Floor,
Gurunanak Apartments, Khirki Extn
Malavya Nagar, New Delhi-110017
or by email to the following email id:
secretarykmwa@gmail.com The results of the selected candidates will be intimated to the parents and also published in the Association’s Blog www.kmwadelhi.blogspot.com. The invitations for attending the public function to receive the meritorious award will also be sent to the selected students and their parents.
For further information please contact Mr. Abubakar Mob. No.7838867071with warm regards,
(Mansoor Kattanam)
KMWA, Delhi
MERITORIOUS STUDENTS OF 10TH & 12TH CLASSES, 2011Name of the Student :
Father’s Name :
Class & Examination Passed :
Aggregate percentage of marks obtained :
School in which studying/ Studied :
Residence Address :
Telephone Number :
Any further details :