It was an opportunity for many of the Kerala Muslim Welfare Association Delhi Members to meet each other in Kannur, Kerala during the marriage function of Aysha Sana, Daughter of Mr. PNP Haris, one of the five founder Members of the Association during 1988. Except Mr. Ismail Meladi, all the four founder members of the association viz., Mr. KMA Rahman, Mr. Muhammed Kunhi, Mr. PNP Haris and Mr. KV Hamza were together available along with many veterans of the Association like Mr. PP Abdul Rahiman, Mr. KM Jamaludheen, Mr. AR Kutty, Mr. MK Abdul Nazer, Mr. Basheer KK, Mr. Hakeem Koottayi, Mr. Abdul Khalik, Mr. Shamsudheen AK, Mr. Rahim, Mr. Abubakar, Mr. Yoonus, Mr. Sainul Abid KV etc. The visit of our President Adv. Haris Beeran, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha was really icing on the cake during the occasion.