Sunday, May 6, 2012


The Executive Committee of Kerala Muslim Welfare Association in its meeting held today, i.e., 6th May 2012 in DMA Cultural Centre, RK Puram passed a resolution unanimously as under:

‘Of late there has been a spate of accidental deaths involving so many of Keralites working in different factories and other construction sites in the satellite towns of Delhi.  The association had been providing support to the bereaved families to take the mortal remains of their near and dear back to Kerala in these cases.  In this circumstance, it is pertinent to take up the matter with appropriate authorities like Ministry of Labour, National and vernacular newspapers, other audio visual media etc., to spread more awareness amongst the common people taking up jobs in the factories and other construction sites to strictly adhere to the safety standards prescribed for hazardous jobs.  The Government through its Ministry of Labour and other concerned organizations may enforce the safety measures in order to safeguard the young innocent lives having so many dependents at home waiting for their sole income.  

It has also been decided to revamp the Quality improvement Program of Madrassa Education taken up by the Association for imparting the knowledge of English, Science & Mathematics to the students of Madrassa in Delhi, by involving more University students to teach and more Madrassas to be covered in the current academic year.’    
With warm regards,

KK Basheer,
President, KMWA

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